Scripted Delusions
 A project for Creative Coding course with the concept of “Scripted Delusions”. 

For this project I wanted to play with the feeling of calmness and disturbance, thus I ended up creating two similar, however, different projects. To keep the idea of a painting in my code, I decided to create my world around lines. I experimented with thick lines that looked more like a painted shape. For the 3D effect, I made the lines drawn in the background to desaturate with time. And to make it look more dynamic I made the lines change colors actively even after they have been drawn. To convey a disturbing feeling I created a palette of colors that would be used in happier settings, however, becoming annoying in the movement.  When it comes to the feeling of calmness I decided to let the colors be picked randomly, making the colors and the lines blend fully, getting rid of the line feeling.
Supervised by Selçuk Artut
Thank you :)
Scripted Delusions

Scripted Delusions
