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Interactive Animation

Interactive Animation
In this project, our objective is to recreate a scene with rigged model and animate in Maya. 
First step, we started with importing the rig model into the Maya viewport. Later, we have created a project window and set the project, so that the related files can be properly arranged.
We started with setting up the project and switched to Animation Tab for adding key frames for the bones.
Now once the project is set we have placed a reference video so that we can animate and recreate the same scene. The reference video is as shown below.
Original Footage (Ref):
Next step is to set the key frames according to the reference. As this animation contains voice to animate the lip sink, we have set the mp3 file of the reference video in the timeline.
I have also created a scene same as in the reference so that we can recreate the scene. Then we have created layers for each model.

Now, the first step in animating a 3d model is to set the key frames. These Key frames in animation serve as critical markers that define specific points in time where significant changes occur in an object's position, rotation, scale, or other properties. These key frames act as anchor points, indicating the start and end of an animation sequence or specific actions within it.
The purpose of in-betweens is to ensure a continuous and fluid movement. They help transition from one key frame to another seamlessly, making the animation appear natural and lifelike. Without in-betweens, the animation might look choppy or abrupt, lacking the subtleties of motion that make characters and objects move realistically.
Once the keyframes and in-betweens are set still the animation will not be smooth there comes the Graph editor. This graph editor plays a very important role in finishing the animation.
The graph editor in animation is like a magic wand. It helps animators refine the movement of characters or objects over time. Imagine you have key frames representing important moments in an animation. The graph editor lets you tweak the path between these key frames, adjusting the speed and style of the movement.

 It's like fine-tuning the flow, ensuring your animation looks just right. With the graph editor, animators have precise control, making characters dance, walk, or express emotions smoothly. 

In the graph editor, we can select any one of the controls and open the graph editor so that we can make some changes for that control.
we can also zoom the graph by selecting any points and press F to zoom in and make tweaks.
Interactive Animation


Interactive Animation


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