Profil von Ghazal Khaksari

Detailed dollhouse Bar restaurant interior design

Detailed dollhouse Bar restaurant interior design

In redefining the food and beverage industry construction design, This design approach was decided for this renovation project since the half circle construction already existed. The focal point of this innovative design revolves around a distinctive feature—a small void strategically positioned in the center of the space to insist more on the current geometry of the architecture. This void serves as a nexus, seamlessly connecting the rooftop garden and the ground floor. ​​​​​​​
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this architectural element plays a pivotal role in elevating the dining experience. By allowing natural light to penetrate through the void and facilitating improved air circulation, the design not only enhances the visual ambiance but also ensures a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere for patrons.
The integration of the void serves a dual purpose, cleverly addressing the need for individual privacy at each table while promoting a cohesive and inclusive environment. Tables are strategically arranged around this central feature, creating intimate pockets within the larger dining space. 
The result is an arrangement that balances the desire for seclusion with the need for a communal dining experience. Moreover, the visual connection established by the void fosters a sense of continuity between the lush rooftop garden and the dining area below, imparting a unique and immersive quality to the overall design.
In essence, this dining area design not only showcases an innovative architectural solution but also underscores the importance of considering both form and function in creating a harmonious and engaging space. By prioritizing privacy, comfort, and circulation, the design successfully transforms the dining experience into a multi-sensory journey, where aesthetics and practicality converge to create a truly captivating environment.
Detailed dollhouse Bar restaurant interior design


Detailed dollhouse Bar restaurant interior design
