Kiana Habibi 的個人檔案

Book Cover & Layout for Stories of Life & Death

In this book design project, I have created the layout and cover for a collection of five short stories that delve into the themes of birth, death, self-discovery, and loss. Each story explores the complexities of human emotions, often entwined with confusion and fragmentation.

The first story, titled "Names," follows a writer who loses himself in the people he observes on the street, forgetting his own identity. The second story narrates the lives of two couples searching for meaning in their intertwined existence, where connection becomes a necessity. As the four individuals transform into two and then into a composite name, the narrative takes on a new dimension. The third story focuses on the conception of a fetus, capturing the enigmatic moment where life converges at a single point, shrouded in suspicion. The fourth story tells the tale of twins, one born with a name while the other contemplates non-existence. The fifth story remains untitled on the cover, leaving a sense of mystery and anticipation.
Design Approach
For this project, I have focused on creating a modest yet thoughtful design that visually represents the depth and complexity of each story. The layout and cover elements have been carefully selected to evoke the emotional journey experienced by the characters, inviting readers to explore the profound themes within.
The final book design for "Ethereal Echoes: Stories of Life & Death" encapsulates the essence of each narrative, providing readers with an immersive visual experience that complements the thought-provoking storytelling. The design elements aim to draw readers into the intricate exploration of birth, death, and self-discovery, creating a harmonious balance between visual aesthetics and literary depth.
Book Cover & Layout for Stories of Life & Death


Book Cover & Layout for Stories of Life & Death
