Jacob Finkelstein sin profil

Luxli RGB LED Lighting Visual Identity

Luxli stands as a pioneering force in the realm of RGB LED lighting, celebrated for its innovative designs and award-winning solutions. Renowned among photographers, videographers, and cinematographers alike, Luxli's commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology has earned them a distinguished reputation in the industry. With a focus on excellence and a track record of accolades, Luxli continues to lead the way in providing cutting-edge RGB lighting solutions that empower creatives to achieve their vision with unparalleled precision and brilliance.

My challenge was to create a visual identity reflecting Luxli's dedication to their products' seriousness while also showcasing their playful side. To achieve this, I utilized minimalist design ideas, incorporated bright colors, and created strong typographic elements for Luxli's visual identity. Additionally, I crafted a deliberate contrast between the serious and playful aspects, aiming to strike a balance that embodies Luxli's commitment to excellence alongside a sense of enjoyment and creativity.
Luxli logo by Ptex Group
contact me at finkelstein.jacob@gmail.com
follow me on LinkedIn
Luxli RGB LED Lighting Visual Identity


Luxli RGB LED Lighting Visual Identity
