Personal reflection
This project has constantly evolved, it started as an undergraduate composition exercise, and over time I have been updating it. The search for a concept in this is interesting, being able to mark a thematic axis with an anchor for a social campaign with a very delicate and difficult topic to discuss.
From this project I take away:
- It is important to play with rhetorical figures when we make a visual campaign, whether social or marketing, although it may sound obvious many times when looking for references, graphic solutions are the most literal.
- The resignification of objects identified by society, and the game from there of proposing a series of implicit key words to relate can be very attractive for the viewer to discover and explore.
-The more subtlety and care there is when designing visually for topics like the one presented, the more visual richness and opportunities to explore there will be. It is important to start projects sometimes without looking at too many references because in the end we tend to get into a sub-group with them.
- There are no limits when it comes to a creative production, I bought and curated each object that appears in the photoshoot to my liking and otherwise it would not have had the tone of uniqueness that it has.
My role: Concept creation, art direction, photography, photo manipulation (editor), editorial design
Shared Credits:
Sebástian Jiménez: Hands model and support at the photography studio.
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