This website was inspired by a color poem. It features the a colors of teal and orange.
It is intended as a space to enjoy, interact, and experience colors on screen, but as also a place to inform on complementary colors and accessible design that considers color. 

While designing this website I used a variety of techniques I had learned in my previous classes. During this process, I used my knowledge of hierarchy, composition, and color to create a visually legible website. These skills were introduced and taught in Two-Dimensional Art & Design. However, I developed my skills in other courses like Three-Dimensional Art & Design and Typography.

Through this website I hope to connect the audience with color. I try to do this by pairing colors with good contrast so things are easy to read. Not only do I play around with color, I play around with boldness an italics to create texture on the page.

As I design the different pages, I am able to experience how my skills are used in professional jobs in the creative field. I’m able to see the importance of type hierarchy and composition and how the influence the way viewers’ see the pages.
IXD Design

IXD Design
