This is a project I worked on for the German brand "Leandro Lopes".
The main goal was to create content quickly and beautifully.
Let's see, how did I do some of them?
Shoes01 | Here I will show you and tell you how I came to create this reels, I want to share with you the stages and reflections during the creation​​​​​​​
Still shots
Shoes02 | The following content made me understand the feeling of trendiness of movements, that motion is not just a word, but it is really beauty. It isn't always necessary to create simulations to hold the viewer's gaze​​​​​​​
Still shots
Character | Brands need an identity, everywhere. Involvement in mobile games or NFT projects requires a character who will wear not only clothes but also brand values
Still shots
Thanks for watching 
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Product content | LL


Product content | LL
