▎ Dragon Boat Race

The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Baiyue holiday, occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Lunar calendar, corresponding to late May or June in the Gregorian calendar.

The Baiyue, diverse ethnic groups that once inhabited the regions of Southern China and Northern Vietnam during the 1st millennium BC and 1st millennium AD, were known for distinct features such as short hair, body tattoos, fine swords, and maritime skills. On this day, people engage in activities like praying for good luck and warding off evil spirits as the summer season begins. The festival is marked by dragon boat races and the consumption of sticky rice dumplings.

As the Han Empire expanded into present-day Southern China and Northern Vietnam, the Yue tribes underwent gradual displacement or assimilation into Chinese culture. Stories of figures like Qu Yuan or Wu Zixu were integrated into existing holiday traditions, potentially promoted by Confucian scholars aiming to legitimize and bolster their influence in China.

In Taiwan, while Dragon Boat races remain popular, the emphasis has shifted to the meticulous preparation of sticky rice dumplings and the essential ingredients within. Dragon Boat races serve as a platform for friendly sports competitions, with friends and colleagues forming groups to foster team awareness and cooperation.
A Year - June


A Year - June
