Happy to present a project we have completed during UX Design course! Collaborating with a fellow student we have created an Affinity Diagram during the research phase for a hotel booking mobile app.
Our goal was to streamline the user experience for potential travelers. Through meticulous research and user interviews, we gathered valuable insights into user preferences, pain points, and expectations in the realm of hotel bookings.
To make sense of the abundance of data we collected, we employed the Affinity Diagram technique, a powerful tool in the UX designer's arsenal. Collaboratively, we organized and categorized our findings, identifying key patterns and trends that informed the subsequent design phases.
This project not only honed my skills in user research and data synthesis but also emphasized the importance of collaboration and effective communication in the UX design process. I am eager to apply these experiences and skills to real-world challenges, contributing to innovative and user-centric design solutions.
Affinity Diagram


Affinity Diagram



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