Prem Singh 的个人资料

CACTIREST - Nature-Inspired Furniture Design


 Nature-Inspired Furniture Design, capturing the beauty and resilience of cactus to instill
 a natural feel into interior spaces. The objective was to incorporate a Scandinavian touch, embracing its simplicity and functional characteristics.
I researched various types of cacti and explored existing furniture designs inspired by these unique plants. It's obvious that cactus have distinctive shapes, textures, and colors. Designing furniture inspired by them can result in visually striking and unique pieces that stand out. Cactus varieties include the tall and columnar Saguaro with ribbed textures, the flat-shaped Prickly Pear, and the spherical Barrel Cactus with thorns. There are mostly green, purple, or yellow hues on top.
The plan was to create something natural, something easily embraced by people, avoiding anything too alienish that users can't relate to. The design focuses on functionality and seamlessly integrates wood, metal, and concrete.
CACTIREST is crafted using sustainable materials, including vegan leather and oak, known for their durability, strength, and water-resistant properties. Metal, highly recyclable, and Geopolymer, a cost-effective, durable, and environmentally friendly concrete, are also incorporated into the design.

CACTIREST - Nature-Inspired Furniture Design


CACTIREST - Nature-Inspired Furniture Design
