DEVORUS STD's profile

Vintage Comics Concept Art

This image visualizes an art gimmick in a vintage comic style. I often use a vintage comic style because it looks timeless.

All ideas contained in the images are taken as references from vintage comic covers. Meanwhile, the meaning in the image is a small fragment of the scene or like the entire conclusion of the story in one cover.
The first step is to make a rough sketch with various ideas and concepts that have been thought of. Then, from the rough sketch we thicken it with good line art. In line art as the initial layer we also need to think about the location of the shadows, as well as the details needed. Like improvisation in drawing and the right position and composition of characters.
The next step is to think about the right font and title for a work. And the title must be able to summarize the entire image, so that the font shape, writing and color correlate with the concept that has been built.

Now we can see the results when used to print on T-shirts. Please note, the composition of the image must match the mock up and real t-shirt, that is, be precise. Also the color of the T-shirt needs to be considered so that the work and T-shirt look perfect.
The following is an example of my other work, if you are interested for order it or want custom order, you can contact me at or IG: devorus.std
Vintage Comics Concept Art


Vintage Comics Concept Art
