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The Stages of Falling in Love - Song Based Exploration

The Stages of Falling in Love
This model was the hardest for me to make back in 2019, because it was the hardest for me to process, it was the first time I had fallen in love and I didn’t know how to represent it correctly. The model was based on Shakespeare’s stages of falling love where at every triangular base you’d feel like you’ll fall off the edge but there’s always something to catch you. I couldn’t synthesise this AI render as well because I wanted it to look just like the model did. But today, I realised, I feel very different from the way I did back then, the model’s narrative didn’t need to be abrupt with its fall, it’s continuous and flows all the way. Perhaps, the way I look at love also finally changed.

Song: 'Woman' by Mumford & Sons

Physical Model​​​​​​​
AI Generations
The Stages of Falling in Love - Song Based Exploration
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The Stages of Falling in Love - Song Based Exploration

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