as apart of our project we explored quilting, quilting the the act of connecting different materials usually fabric via stitching quilting is often used to create a ‘quilt’ meaning two layers of fabric and a layer of wadding in between then for insulation. i really enjoyed viewing vintage patch works and quilts as the fabrics felt plasticky due to a wax layer applied to them, as well as this structure was often created within these pieces by using old used papers such as recipes, i found this really interesting to view. following on from our research into quilts we were tasked to create our own 30x30 quilting square, we were asked to explore different materials, textures and stitches these being used to create a big quilt exhibition. 
this is my 30x30 quilt design, i used two layers of fabric and a layer of wadding to create a traditional quilting based, using different materials as well as machine and hand stitching i was able to create variation within my piece. i used replayed materials in order to create a three dimensional piece therefore further linking my design to my original robot. i was able to use different materials such as paint and paper to create a tactile visual appearance, i really enjoyed combining different medias and textures in my work to create a interesting composition. 
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