Profil hannah liesener

30X30 Square and Artist research:

For me 30x30 square i was inspired by a piece i did earlier on in the project where i covered my primary photo in paint to hide the person in the photos face. Once i had completed my square it was placed in an exhibition in college for people to go and see, when i was doing the piece i was sure it would look good and be what i wanted it to be however when i started on the experiments on this page where i was beginning to only cover/hide certain parts of the face like the eyes and mouth and i then realised that the idea was done and looked a lot stringer when it was only certain parts of the face being hidden. The experiments i did were inspired by the artist Shin Kwang Ho who also has a Behance profile/portfolio which i was able to look at and see some of his pieces. 
30X30 Square and Artist research:

30X30 Square and Artist research:
