"Belonging" Project
During my Third year of University, we were assigned the project "Identity" in which I chose to explore the brief "Belonging" and what this ultimately means to me. 
The final outcome photographed: Concertina style greeting card.
I began this project by exploring various themes which evoked the sense of "Belonging" for me. I initially decided to illustrate the sense of belonging in the context of my two rescue cats, not only their belonging as sisters but their belonging in my family home.
Refined illustrations, combining text with imagery.
Surface Pattern designs.
After exploring the initial concept of belonging between my cats, I explored illustrating my hometown and specifically the niche local fishing community which thrives here.
Photograph of stop-motion set up.
I then decided to refine my project to focus on Staffordshire Wildlife as nature is where I feel the most sense of personal belonging.
Instead of a zine or diorama, I decided to design a card inspired by a favourite childhood memory of frog spotting.
Initial basic iterations for the concertina card design.
Experimenting with visual language and mediums.
Experimenting with visual language and mediums.
Development of design.
Further development of design, looking at how colours and spacing can emphasise elements within a design.
Photographed printed design, some improvements with printing alignment to be amended.
I then decided to redesign the proportions and visual style of the card as I was still not satisfied with the wildlife elements appearing bold enough within the card.
                                        Photographed printed refined design.


