abigail bs profil

Wren Concept Art - Character Design

Wren - A character I’m developing for a long form Unnamed project involving “small people”aka Minifolk, living unseen set throughout North American cities, farmlands, and forests.
Wren is a Lone, meaning she does not live in a community with other Minifolk. Typically lones are traders and travelers by choice, but Wren was displaced by a natural disaster affecting her family. Her and her family of 6 were hit by a flash flood, and in an attempt to save her father from being swept away, she herself was taken by the river miles and miles away. She believes her family was taken by the river as well.
Wren was the eldest sibling and a masterful seamstress in her home, and her family did not participate in trade between forest/city communities, rather they self sustained through farming/foraging. She lived a fairly sheltered and quiet life, so her navigation and survival skills are clumsy and mostly focused on hiding herself. She isn’t sure how long she’s been alone.
Utilizing her sewing skills, Wren crafted a cape comprised of lichen, pressed moss, and various plant matter woven together. When frightened, Wren curls up to blend in with her environment. She also repurposed her clothes to be better fitted for travel.
Wren rarely encounters other Minifolk due to being so deep in the wilds, and is often too frightened to interact if she stumbles upon them. But perhaps she will find the courage to join a group of travelers?
Wren Concept Art - Character Design

Wren Concept Art - Character Design
