Emily Walek sin profil

Office Reconfiguration Graphics

In 2020, Poppin was forced to ask the question: how do we re-imagine office space during a global pandemic? As lead space planner, I worked closely with our sales leadership, marketing and merchandising teams to implement new 6’ social distancing rules, incorporate way finding decals and protective acrylic screens. After establishing our approach, our next goal became clearly communicating these design solutions to our customers.  

I created a digital rendering of a hypothetical office designed pre- and post-Covid that was featured on the front page of Poppin’s website.  It was intended to inspire our customers with potential solutions for returning to work.

I worked with our marketing team to create additional graphics to be featured in web and email campaigns.  The images in this gallery represent that work.  I modeled these designs in SketchUp, rendered in Vray, and edited in Photoshop.  We wanted to highlight ideas for office reconfigurations, as well as visualize our home office offerings.  These became extremely important during the pandemic when we were unable to set up photoshoots of our products.
Before Social Distancing
After Social Distancing
Office Reconfiguration Graphics


Office Reconfiguration Graphics
