Oil Painting on Canvas
40 x 31 inch

Growing up in a family that aims to find the perfect societal balance between feminism and misogyny was harsh. Typically, women do chores behind the door, away from the spotlight. But once every now and then, we are treated like an accessory, polished, highly valued, and cherished. It is during these times that we are placed on a pedestal for display. So in the female realm, we brand ourselves to be the most valuable accessory, but we often tend to take the most diminutive presence in front of men. 
This imagery symbolizes the delicate balance between a society with both feminist and misogynistic elements. The glowing cup and pomegranates, representing females, initially appear as central figures, only for a hidden door, closed tightly and unavailable for access, behind them to be discovered.
Detailed Cut for Women
Detailed Cut for Women
Detailed Cut for Women
Pomegranate Detailed Cuts
Process for "Women"
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