Resting Innocence 

Gouache on watercolor canvas
9 in x 12 in
PINK, a National Juried Exhibition Located in Virginia, USA
PINK: It can be hot and bright. It can be pale and shy. It blushes, it glows, it compliments and clashes. Show us how many pinks, how many ways it can show up in the world. Is your PINK, flowers in a vase? Is it an edgy kid with pink spiked hair? Or a keepsake cancer support ribbon? Show us how PINK shows up in your life. 

To me, I am far removed from the color pink. It doesn't show up in any of my wardrobe besides a pair of hot pink crocs that I refuse to leave the house with, but they're so comfortable. No pink home decorations, unless they're flowers. Really, when I look at the color pink, I think about how childish of a color it is. And that's the moment where my breakthrough began. 
I am most comfortable being bold 
I enjoy the color in it's most natural form 
And I shame what the color makes me feel: Playful. Delicate. Romantic. Comfort. Feminine. Love.

This piece is a representation of not only embracing those elements of pink, but also resting in them peacefully.
Resting Innocence


Resting Innocence
