PARAJANOV: despite of
This is a very important project for me. Now, when I feel so much pain about what`s happening in Russia, Serjey Parajanov`s story really inspires me. It is a great example of a strong and passionated soul resisting constant pressure from the governement and strokes of fate. Sergey Parajanov was a big artist and also a brave and active citizen

I express my impression of his destiny like a non-stop shining of a bright rainbow crystal surrounded by rude grey hateful stones trying to crush it. I place on these stones original fragments of politically motivated soviet convictions

Serjey Parajanov expressed his opinion in art and politics intentionally straight, despite of constant pression from soviet governement. He was put in prison three times during his life for his opinios and speeches. He survived in these inhumane conditions mostly because of that he didn`t stop creating things with what was on his hand. After prison Parajanov`s life was also going on under pression and prosecution, he wasn`t allowed to film and to live on several territorries. I`m really impressed by the force and the inner light of this big artist




