
Hand-bound, first edition
46 images (including cover) 88 pages

Photographs by Jee Su Kim
Graphic Design by Fon Limsomwong
Text/calligraphy by Eric Chan

"Aliens explores the elusive concept of home and the foundation of identity and the sense of belonging, primarily in the context of multicultural individuals. It reflects my personal journey as an international individual, constantly adapting to new environments. The inability to neatly fit into a single cultural frame has always left me with a sense of alienation and displacement. Despite having roots in diverse cultures, it didn’t necessarily result in an enriched sense of belonging but often meant dwelling in the realm of cultural homelessness.


Alongside photographs, the book includes sketchy pencil lines and handwritten characters, infusing personality and depth to the narrative of self-discovery, connection, and travel."

– Jee Su Kim, Photographer
Aliens Photo Book

Aliens Photo Book

Written by Jee Su Kim (Photographer) Aliens explores the elusive concept of home and the foundation of identity and the sense of belonging, prim Læs mere
