Profil appartenant à Elena Tzilini

For Want of (not) Measuring

For Want of (not) Measuring

For Want of (not) Measuring brings together artists Ron HaseldenJim HobbsPatrick Adam Jones and John Timberlake who explore the problematic and poetic use of systems and measurement. Here, surveying sticks, cameras, physical grids, and light meters (amongst many other tools) are all used to point out the futility, absurdity and impossibility of truly knowing the world around us; seascapes and passages are investigated though their human relationships to the measurement of time, perspective, location and memory.

To design the exhibition's broadsheet, I had to question the same dilemma as the artists and experiment with grids and systems of measurement in my process. As we know, design can be very mathematical, methodical and precise to its execution, which can lead to very interesting results if that measure breaks and leaves room for other things to emerge. Like cropping marks placed on the inside of the margin or grids made out of real strings: thin, fragile lines that waves free and sets the grid free.


/ Text: Steve Kennedy
/ Photo Credit: ‘Building The Sackett Receiving Reservoir 1898 – Engineering Party Members’
/ Source:  Westfield City, MA Photo Archive.
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For Want of (not) Measuring
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For Want of (not) Measuring

Broadsheet and poster design for the "For Want of (not) Measuring" exhibition: A poetic exploration of how systems and measurement can(not) help Lire la suite

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