Silvia Biondi profili

Taking care (illustratio)

Taking care
When the days turn cooler and a bit shorter, when vine leaves dance in the wind among the now ripened grape clusters. In those days, if you pay attention and stay silent, you might discover a strange couple busy wandering among the curls of the vines and giant leaves. They are truly an odd pair, but together, they take care of those beautifully round grapes, making sure they are well and grow happily. And those harvested ones? Well, don't they deserve a reward? 🍇🌱
Illustration created for the #asdcoloriamonovembre23 Italian contest organized by the Altro Spazio d'Arte association, in collaboration with Gambino Wine company, for which I was one of the three judges.
This illustration has been printed on the bottle label of their wines.
Taking care (illustratio)
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Taking care (illustratio)

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