Profil appartenant à Hanbyul Cha

Moment series, Embroidery

Moment series
Only one line original arts, 2023, Embroidery, Cha hanbyul, 12F
The "Moment" series depicts interconnected moments, weaving together various emotions, memories, and hearts into a single line to represent the complexity of our lives. This artwork conveys the idea that emotions like joy, sadness, and anger do not exist separately but are interlinked and layered, forming the fabric of our existence. By integrating diverse emotions into a single line rather than expressing them through multiple lines, the piece emphasizes the concept that each moment converges, creating a larger flow.
The artwork highlights the notion that our experiences of fleeting emotions intersect and connect, ultimately shaping our lives. The "Moment" series conveys an impactful message that every moment we experience is interconnected within a larger flow. It visually represents the idea that each moment is a meaningful part of the whole, underscoring that our lives are not a series of fleeting emotions but a unified and cohesive narrative.
Moment series, Embroidery
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Moment series, Embroidery

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