The Engagement Present
For my Project, I decided to create an engagement present for my brother and his Fiancee. We have something in our house when we walk in or out that you can hang your keys on. I thought that would be a fantastic idea for when they get married and move into an apartment or a home!
I started by cutting off the right amount to make a plank that would be a good size to fit on a wall. Something not too big and bulky.
I then created a design in inkscape based off of images that I found off google. I have their initials and their dogs there as well. I then put it on the laser cutter which was able to raster the design into the wood.
The design was getting there but there was still more to add! I knew it had to hang on the wall and so I added 4 hangars on the back so it was stable.
I then added the key hooks.
At this point, I was practically done. I decided to add some decorations around the edges to make it look more wedding-like.
Engagement Present

Engagement Present


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