Daisy Mansell-Joness profil

Daisy Mansell-Jones Portfolio

Teapot Ghosts - A one week project in which I designed a character for a new Tim Burton film about the elements. Using wire, clay, cotton wool and scraps of old fabric. 
Character Design - The design process for the Teapot Ghost consisting of my inspiration, initial sketches, more detailed designs and the 3D creation process.
Surf Legend Portraits - A selection of portraits from a project following local legends who have positively impacted the Cornish surf community over their lifetimes. 
Porthtowan Surf Legends - A selection of zine spreads depicting the local legends and their backgrounds. The photos were edited using Photoshop and the layout created through Indesign. The zines consist of an in-depth interview with each subject along with their background. 
Self Portrait Shoot - A self portrait shoot experimenting with long exposure. Influenced by analogue photographer Francesca Woodman and edited in Photoshop. 
Graphic Design Collage - Using a combination of analogue and digital techniques to build a collage using Photoshop. Testing colour correcting and contrast to bring out the textures within the shapes. 
Little White Lies Magazine Cover - A series of magazine covers for Wes Anderson's stop motion film 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. Utilizing the digital collage technique using handmade textures. 
Life Drawing - A range of life drawings focusing on material, scale, form, shadow and light and also seeing flatly. 
Cornish Knocker 3D Puppet - The design process for my 3D Cornish Knocker puppet. Based on a Cornish myth about small, mischevious men that lived in the mines. Using clay, foam and recycled fabric. 
Mr Crocker the Cornish Knocker - Studio photographs of the puppet, depicting all the details within the final creation. Freestanding and the head is functional (can move from side to side using a rod inside the body). 
Daisy Mansell-Jones Portfolio

Daisy Mansell-Jones Portfolio


Kreative områder