For graduation we had to do 2 projects, this is one of them, about Meatless Monday. After doing an analysis on current MM websites I figured the Dutch one could really use an update. Overall I figured the concept of MM missed a certain point: what do you eat on the other days of the week? If you'd eat "bad" meat on all those days, how much good is one day without meat? There are some very good alternatives out there who're a lot less cruel for animals. Obviously the best for animal wellfare would be if all humans became vegetarian. But since I don't think that's gonna happen it might be a good idea to inform consumers about the alternatives.
Veggies instead of meat: veggie-animals. I made these by positioning every single veggie in the right place, creating a cow, chicken and piggy.
Another image exeriment. Trying to paint sort of a trapped/bloody version of the animals.
Another experiment: animals as a product. I cut out the animals from a magazine (a page filled with products) and made a pattern with them. The idea is that eventually you don't even notice these are animals anymore, just like in the meat-industry where we seem to forget the animals are living beings with feelings and emotions.
So this is a setup for the website. Showing why you should join in Meatless Monday, recipies, what kind of meat to eat on other days of the week etc. However, I figured this was way to crowded and I didn't really feel happy about it.

So I won't put the entire proces on how it came from the previous image to the next, but shortly I decided to focus on one of the animals (a cow, pig or chicken) and tell there story. Research shows people find it difficult to eat meat from an animal they love or know or is cute. So why not give a boilerchicken a face? Show people it's a cute little chick that you actually don't want to eat. So I created a character called Kipje (which is little chicken in Dutch) and created her story. From the day she's born untill she dies and ends up in the supermarket.
So the final product is an infographic about the life of a boilerchicken compared to the effects to humans and the environement. You can see the entire infographic below.
Close-up of the little boilerchicken character: Kipje.
Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday

Graduation project about Meatless Monday.
