DMA Lite 2023 - 2024 Portfolio - Ghost Outpost
This is the main menu screen for my game Ghost Outpost. The design for this went through a lot of trial and error before getting the exact layout that I wanted and I think it really adds to the atmosphere, especially with the moving drone.
The image here is one of the levels in Ghost Outpost. Designing this level presented some unique challenges, as it was the first "open-world" level I had to make so making sure there were enough paths and each one had a different challenge. It also shows the timer/record-keeping system I developed for this game to make it feel more like a roguelike/speedrun game.
This is the final level of my game. I designed it so the rocket is always able to be seen, so you feel a sense of urgency to leave, possibly making the player slip up along the way. It is meant to resemble a moon base as it is set on one of the poles of the planet so it is icy and cold. The enemy's are the hardest here out of any other level to make you feel like you are so close but it keeps getting harder.
This is the cutscene I developed for Ghost Outpost. I tried to make you feel a sense of relief after running through all of the levels as you see yourself go back home after you escaped this strange alien planet. Making the particle effects for this with the emission and them slowly expanding out overtime to convey the sense of smoke. The camera also pans to make you feel small as you drift further and further away from the planet.
The turret is one of the two main enemies in my game. It is a ground-based enemy and is meant to make the player avoid certain areas. It uses an AI targeting and tracking system, with the tracking happening before the shot is eventually taken. It can track the player behind walls, but will only fire when it has a very good chance of hitting the target.
The drone is the air-based combat system and the other main enemy. It uses a scanning-based system on the ground and will only fire if the player is in range of its searchlight. I am proud of the design I took with this enemy because it invokes a sense of urgency within the player with the glowing red searchlight.
This is a level in my game. I designed this level to have multiple routes to make the players plan out where they want to get better. The layout for this level went through a few revisions before the final one you see above. I think that this final layout makes the player consider their options before they play through the level.
The player is one of the most important parts of any game, and I refined this one to fit what I was going for. The camera for the player is a 3rd person camera. I chose this one because it let you see what was around you easier, which for a stealth game is very important. I adjusted the movement values throughout the game a lot to find something that felt just right, and I think I got there for the final product. It feels snappy and under your control which is crucial as you don't want incorrect behaviour in a game like this.
The camera setting I chose for post-processing is where a lot of thought went throughout the game development. I took inspiration from games like Returnal and other rogue-like games. I added things like chromatic aberration, depth of field, vignette and other things to really try and sell the experience of being on an alien planet.
The art style I chose for my game was clear from the beginning. I wanted a sci-fi theme, that has nature mixed in. I took inspiration from games like Subnautica, Returnal, Horizon Forbidden West, and many others. I think that it really fit my game in the end and I am very happy with how it turned out with the drones, turret and the rocketship and especially the player design. I
Ghost Outpost
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Ghost Outpost

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