Carolina Bordero 的个人资料

Parco Urbano - informative signage

Photograph: Alessandra Scuticchio
2022 - Parco Urbano San Leonardo, informative panels and additional signage - Imperia, Italy
The newly renovated portion of the park is designed to showcase a variety of plants, that have been scattered around the park and alternated considering their visual properties as well as the fragrances, in order to create specific paths for the user. Another important factor taken into account is the oxygen produced by the different species, that informed the choices and design of the garden.
Two main informative panels show a map of the portion of the park and facts about the green wall, in addition to infographics visualizing how the plants help clean the air.

Data: research by J. M. Schivo’s architectural studio
Illustration and design: Carolina Bordero
Photograph: Alessandra Scuticchio
Parco Urbano - informative signage


Parco Urbano - informative signage
