Diving into my first gig as a team lead for a conceptual photoshoot was a wild ride. Imagine a bunch of creative minds with one crazy idea and just a single day to pull it off.
Models? We went for diversity – all ages, shapes, and colours to represent different transformation stages. 
Clothing? Local designers brought our vision to life, and we threw in some DIY magic using recycled stuff to keep it eco-friendly.
Lights, camera, action! We played with natural light during the golden hours, threw in some dramatic shadows, and even added coloured gels for that extra oomph. The shoot day was like running a marathon, but with models changing outfits instead of passing batons.

As the team lead, it wasn’t just about barking orders. We had pow-wows before the shoot, where everyone threw in their two cents. It was a real collaboration. The shoot day flew by, and when we finally saw the pics, it was like watching our crazy ideas come to life. 
It turned out to be more than just pics; it was a snapshot of a day where creativity ran wild, and a bunch of cool people made it happen.
-E L E G A N C E


-E L E G A N C E

