Christian Mccamish's profileCassidy James's profile

Food Rating Website

Food Rating Website

Design Brief

Brand: We want to go for a homey and comfortable style or website so that people feel comfortable and come back to the site for their reviews instead of going other places.

Website: A website that people can go to to find reviews on restaurants wherever they are. Additionally, 63.6% of consumers say they check reviews on Google before visiting a business. Yelp ranks second, sitting at slightly over 45%. We want to give them a trusted place to come look for those reviews, anywhere they might travel to.

Target Audience: Travelers, or people who love to try new foods or new restaurants.
The target age is anywhere from early 20s to early 30s, “travel around the world age.”
Wants: Our persona wants to find the place with the best food and atmosphere
in her travels to settle down and eventually live.

Expectations: Our persona has heard good things about our site and wants to give it a try herself, but doesn't really know what to expect or if it will be different then other food review websites that she’s tried in the past.

Common Problems:
- “People our age don't like the biases that others usually employ on this type of website”
- We don't like people saying “the food I had was bad, so all the food must be bad”
- If the reviews are based off opinion rather than the facts.

We can avoid all these issues relatively easily by simply making it so that the reviews are all in one place and hopefully the bad reviewers will be drowned out by the good ones.

We can also make it so you can comment on reviewer’s posts or something similar, reviews with enough negative comments will be brought under review and if they’re based on anything other then the food or the restaurant, or even if they're simply a bad review in general they can be taken down.

Responsive Websites
Comparative Websites
Design Rough: Home Page 
Food Icons 
Design Rough: Profile Page 
Design Rough: Restaurant Page
Design Rough: Favorites
Final Color Palette:

Yelp - Images 
Figma - Presentation Boards 
Matt & Tony's - Menus, Images
TripAdvisor -  Images, Reviews
Pixels - Images 
Food Rating Website

Food Rating Website


Creative Fields