"Encuentra Tu Tienda" was a prototype for Starbucks Mexico, to locate a Starbucks store close to you using your browser geolocation service.
The project used Google Maps API; there were 2 types of search, via keywords or via geolocation, both searchs sent a request to Google Places (all Starbucks stores where on Places).
If the search was made using geolocation, it allowed you to choose the distance range (1km, 5km, 10km); if a lot of results where displayed, the API allowed you to paginate between them.
I learned a little bit of Google Maps API with this project because I personalized the Marker which showed the location of the Starbucks stores, and also the infowindow had some styles. I also binded some events to make zoom on the map or change the view to Streetview.
As I mentioned before, it stayed as a prototype, at the end I don't know who made this section for the Starbucks Mexico website.
Starbucks Encuentra Tu Tienda (2013)

Starbucks Encuentra Tu Tienda (2013)

Prototype of a Starbucks Store finder using Google Maps API
