When I look at Angel's character, I see a fighter. A character who's struggling with so much, someone who deserves better and is slowly and shakily getting there one messy step at a time. Unfiltered and un-hidden. I have a lot of very complex and complicated things to say about his character, but that's an essay for another day.
I'll say is this though: The parts of his story that should be taken seriously ARE, and yes, I'm saying that as an abuse and SA survivor myself. I'm not going to hide it. People saying that this show is "glorifying" or even worse "victim blaming" him are just NOT CORRECT AT ALL. Nothing about it was glorified. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and it's not for everyone FOR SURE, but I look at this character and see hope and strength.

(Drawing (fan art) above © Allison Gajewski - 2024)
(Hazbin Hotel © Spindle Horse Productions + Amazon - 2024)
An Angel