WWF South Africa
One Small Step Campaign
Solving the global food crisis one small step at a time.
Our food system impacts the environment more negatively than any other human activity. It's a global problem. There's only one way to truly go about solving an issue so complex and grand in scale: one small step at a time.

The goal of this campaign was to shift the narrative around our food crisis from one based on fear, guilt, and negativity to one based on hope and positivity by proving that it doesn’t take much on anyone’s part to make a difference.

The concept and campaign line, One Small Step, shows how implementing small changes in our eating, cooking, and shopping habits can bring about great change. Especially over time, together.
The campaign centred around digital and OOH collateral encouraging people to eat less meat, reduce food waste, buy seasonal produce, not use single-use plastics, support local producers, and make more ethical purchasing decisions.
I was responsible for the concept and copy. We kept the messaging direct, informative, and functional so that everyone could take something away from the campaign, even at a glance. Each piece of collateral suggested a particular small step that someone could take to improve their consumption habits and lessen their impact on the planet. It also offered a rationale, recipe, or more information to help and inspire people to make these small changes and directed them to WWF South Africa's website to learn more about the food system and find more steps.
Design by the wonderful network that is North.
WWF South Africa - Brand Campaign


WWF South Africa - Brand Campaign
