Flexi Cycle Pro

Introducing the Flexi Cycle Pro, an innovative exercise equipment designed for senior citizens suffering from osteoarthritis. This desk cycle presents a unique approach to gentle yet effective exercises, significantly enhancing both mobility and strength. 

Type of Project- Personal Project
Sector- Medical Device

PVC low fidelity mockup models to closely examine and understand the gripping mechanisms, ensuring optimal ergonomics and functionality for executing the finger exercise with precision and ease.
Height Adjustment Feature enables easy customization for optimal comfort during exercises, catering to users of varying heights and preferences.

As we gaze into the future, FlexiCycle envisions a landscape where cutting-edge design seamlessly integrates with healthcare, revolutionizing how seniors manage osteoarthritis and maintain their well-being. 

Thankyou for being part of this Design journey!
FlexiCycle Pro

FlexiCycle Pro


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