sultana mow's profile

The first article of the new

The first article of the new account has become popular, my 3 popular topic selections
How can a newly opened account quickly HE Tuber gain traffic and become a hit? This article can help you solve this problem. The author starts from three directions to let us understand the key to self-media operation, and finally shares three ideas that self-media needs to rely on. Hope this article can be helpful to you.

For most people, self-media is an objective open-book exam.

When the time comes to 2023, there are already countless contents on various platforms. No matter which direction you want to go, you can basically find a good reference.
Those cutting-edge accounts and popular content with the same purpose are the reference answers hidden on the Internet, waiting for us to find, ponder, and unlock the traffic password.

Last month, I helped my company open a new account on Xiaohongshu

 for niche graphics and text. Three days after publishing the first piece of content, I received a notification from the system that the note had become a hot topic in the material field, and the single article had more followers than Hundred.

The reason why I was able to obtain this data in the first post is because

 I did a lot of preparation work before publishing, found hot topics that were in high demand in this category, and used hot topics in the title and note cover. Keywords with higher payment rates.

Today, in this article, I will share how I use tools and follow the clues

 to find popular topics.
This method is suitable for platforms such as Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Kuaishou, and is available for all tracks. It is especially suitable for tracks that are highly vertically segmented and do not have a good head account for the time being.
1. Break the topic: list keywords around the track or product

Start with yourself first, and list as many keywords as possible around the track you want to pursue, or the products you want to sell through self-media. This is our initial material library.
For example, the product I want to make is an operation system to help training institutions manage. Focusing on its target user groups, functions, user needs, and characteristics, I have listed "institutional enrollment", "enrollment drainage", "institutional operation", etc. 5 keywords.
Gadgets to improve efficiency: Jiugongge thinking method. It can help you list keywords more efficiently and comprehensively.
The first article of the new

The first article of the new
