Jan Peeters 的個人檔案

Stream of Consciousness

Stream of consciousness
To break through a creative block that persisted for a year, I started drawing using a 'stream of consciousness' approach. This technique, originally developed by writers, involves writing down everything that comes to your mind directly and unfiltered.

I had been doing this in writing for a while, but sometime ago, I came up with the idea to apply this concept to drawing. Long story short: the creative flow is back in motion.

To accomplish this, I established a few guidelines:

Anything that comes to mind (thoughts, images, emotions, physical sensations) can be drawn without restriction.
It doesn't need to be anatomically correct (or adhere to any other technical requirements).
The image or idea I want to express is the starting point, but the way I draw is an improvisational play.
Keep it technically simple and, above all, enjoyable.
Just draw and try not to overthink it.
Stream of Consciousness


Stream of Consciousness

