A Short Film Project - Infinite Loops

It was when one of us gave a 500 rupee note to another friend, someone interrupted a fun conversation changing it to how straight the notes should be placed and not fold them like she was doing. It would have been easy to let go off the attention but instead that piece of a paper made her jump into changing the entire conversation. 

Do you have OCD? We asked, and she wondered did she? Well not really, and that's when we picked up the topic of OCD. Creating an awareness amongst people is necessary as many are unaware about such a disorder itself. 

We decided to make a short film that conveys a day in a life of a young girl who is unaware about suffering from OCD to make it relatable to the ones having it and also to those around them. 
A thorough research for us to understand about the topic had to be done as the first step.
The film tries to make the audience understand about the disorder. The life in general is a loop of infinite things that we do everyday after waking up to going to bed again. But imagine doing the same things infinite times in a single day! That is the life of a person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The title explains the infinite loop the protagonist is stuck in everyday and is getting buried into it deeper and deeper, each passing moment.
Click below to see the film we shot and edited. The film is shot in the minimum available resources and locations as a small attempt to create awareness about OCD.
A Short Film Project - Infinite Loops

A Short Film Project - Infinite Loops

A short film making project on the topic, OCD. Includes the research, concept, screenplay and shooting.
