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6 simple tips to help you discover

6 simple tips to help you discover the successful “secret” behind UX design for product managers

When we make products, some UX  HE Tuber related principles are something we must master. But this content is related to thinking, and many product managers don’t particularly understand it. In this article, the author explains the six general principles of UX from the outside in and from the whole to the part. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

During the interview a few years ago, the interviewer asked me,

 what do you think is the core ability of a product manager?
If it were you, how would you answer?
His answer is: product design capabilities

I just entered the industry and didn’t have much awareness of this issue

, but now I think that the core competency is product thinking, and product thinking = product producibility thinking + product commercialization thinking.
——Because thinking and cognition determine your behavior and form what product managers can produce on the surface (such as product design drafts, strategic planning plans, or team management, etc.), thinking is the most essential ability in my opinion .
How to understand it?

We are not going to talk about commercial thinking here

(this is easy to understand. The higher the rank, the product manager must have a forward-looking business vision and help the company make money through product research and development). We want to focus on production thinking.

My understanding is: producible thinking = what it is (product positioning, strategic direction), whether it can be designed (various constraints such as technology and resources), how to design (product version, team collaboration, etc.) and the value of design (users needs, competitiveness and other factors).
After all, if it doesn't make sense, there's no point in doing it.
We learn and practice a lot of knowledge background, such as understanding the market, industry, business, data, users, etc.

All of this is to form our product thinking system and embed 

it into product design to help the product be produced while also using product commercialization thinking.
In a highly competitive market, create business value and constantly update products to form a benign and relatively lasting influence on users.
But sometimes, we focus too much on functions and business value, want to make products better, and learn a lot. We often overlook some of the systematic things that product managers should have.

I found that whether those who are new to the industry or those who have worked on products for several years, many of them rely on their own feelings or "references" to design, but there is no systematic way to delve into the essence. Think about why you do this? For example, in terms of functions, or even the location of an icon or a button.
In this article, I want to talk about the UX design details that we most easily overlook through 6 simple elements, and try to express them in a comprehensive and structured way. I hope it will be helpful and inspiring to you.

When you follow a systematic approach to sort out and study product design, you will find that sometimes product failure is not necessarily due to poor market performance or insufficient functionality, but to some of the most basic design experiences, which can easily cause users to have " "Give up" feeling.
Perhaps rather than making a successful product, we must first learn to "produce" a relatively qualified product.

6 simple tips to help you discover

6 simple tips to help you discover
