Md Harunur Rashid's profile

Activity details page

Activity details page

On the loan application page , bank card authentication has been completed.
In the collection and repayment account HE Tuber item, the logo of the bound bank + bank name + bank card last number are displayed so that users can clearly understand it.

At the same time, the gray prompts the user that "the account will be received within 30 minutes normally", informing the user that the account will be available in a short time, so place your order quickly!
I want a discount item, which helps users select existing discounts by default, making users feel that ordering at this time is really worth it!
Home page where the first order is to be placed
In the most eye-catching banner position on the homepage, the white "Borrow Money Now" button on the right side creates a strong contrast with the blue background, highlighting the main functions.

The "Today's Welfare" message at the bottom of the card has "200 yuan" and "2 issues" in bold red letters, telling you that it is really a good deal now, so hurry up and borrow money!
Target clear user purchase path
Mall page-search & category navigation
For users with clear purchasing goals , the APP provides a search bar (area 1 on the right) and a category navigation bar (area 2 on the right) at the top of the mall tab page, which is also the most conspicuous place. Such users can directly search for specific products or click Product classification to enter the product details page and transaction page to quickly complete the shopping process.

Unclear goals and user purchase path
APP homepage-activity floor & application progress floating floor/product page-activity floor
A purchase entrance is provided for users with unclear goals : at the bottom of the homepage is daily flash sales; at the top of the product page, the banner displays a series of preferential activities, as well as the golden autumn interest-free season, daily flash sales, brand area, etc. below. Provide users with a reason to buy - limited time, special price, flash sale, interest-free, free gifts, etc.

Create a sense of urgency : 
“Daily Flash Sale” activity:
The red real-time countdown text creates a sense of urgency for shopping, and the comparison between the original price and the rush price in the product list attracts users' attention. On such a page, users will feel that the products are very cost-effective. If they do not place an order quickly, there will not be such a big discount after the next day. Therefore, users are more likely to place an order, and the conversion rate of Anyihua will be improved.
Comparison steps
Users with unclear goals can do any activity by clicking on the home page or the activity floor of the mall page, and then enter the activity details page. Let’s take the golden autumn interest-free season as an example:
Interest-free coupons are displayed at the core of the page, and below is a product list.

Interest-free coupon part: Firstly, the word 'interest-free' is highlighted and highlighted to let users know; secondly, the 'get it now' button and 'limited within 15 days after claim' are used to create a sense of urgency.
Product list part: It is displayed in the form of a product card. First, the picture of the product is highlighted to allow users to judge whether they need it. Secondly, the minimum monthly payment amount of the product is highlighted in blue below the product name. The buy now button is highlighted below. Users can click on the product image or buy now to enter the product details page.

Search list page
If users with clear goals use the search function on the mall page, they will enter the search product list page. The following takes the user's search for "Adi" as an example.
First of all, the top column provides a variety of sorting methods based on comprehensive, sales volume, price from low to high/price from high to low, etc., which can help users with clear needs quickly find the products they want. For users with clear needs, their The core appeal is to quickly complete the order operation, so the product design focuses on accelerating the user decision-making process for payment.
The following uses product cards to display products. First, the picture of the product is highlighted to allow users to judge whether the product is what they need; secondly, the minimum monthly payment amount of the product is highlighted in red under the product name, reducing the user's psychological pressure on consumption and increasing the user's willingness to place an order; The red "voucher" logo on the right side of the supply amount highlights the current products that have activities and can participate in full discounts, etc., to further promote user consumption; thirdly, the store name is displayed at the bottom of the product introduction and the enter store button is highlighted to guide users to enter the store to browse for more information. There are many similar products; finally, click on the product image to enter the product details page.

Activity details page

Activity details page
