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Behind the collapse of the millions of UP masters

Behind the collapse of the millions of UP masters: the transformation dilemma of exquisite life bloggers
In the latest video, a blogger who once used an expensive coffee machine worth tens of thousands of yuan suddenly drank HE Tuber instant coffee without even brewing it. He spent a lot of time selecting designers and holding meetings to discuss decoration, but because of "Trouble" gave up decoration and moved in directly; before, he often displayed exquisite OOTDs in the elevator, but now he suddenly said in the video that he no longer needs to buy clothes in the past two years; he used to arrange breakfast dishes exquisitely and study various complex delicacies every day. In the new video, he is busy preparing baby food...
If you look at the contents of this issue alone, the life of a blogger has almost nothing to do with sophistication. The video showed only the "tiredness" and "messiness" of entering a home, which also made many netizens question, "Is this still Dangdang's home?" "It looks very depressing."
In the comment area, netizens are also divided into two camps: most people think that the core of Zishi Angelica’s video is to “show one’s quality of life that is very accessible to others. The decline in quality of life now means the quality of the video has declined”, and “no one wants to watch it”. Baby food supplement." Some people also expressed their understanding and felt that "different life stages lead to different states" and "whose life has not been busy yet, and it cannot remain the same forever."

When an independent woman from a well-off family

 and sophisticated petty bourgeoisie suddenly turned into a down-to-earth wife and mother, this huge gap gave fans a strong sense of separation, and many fans started to quit. "I started following it in 2019 and decided to unplug it after watching the new videos." A fan of Zi Shi Dang Gui told us.
This is not to be blamed on netizens. After all, Zishi Angelica once relied on her exquisite and independent personality to become the "ideal life model" for many girls. She has accumulated about 5 million fans on Bilibili, Weibo, Youtube and other platforms.
In fact, it is not uncommon for bloggers like Zishi Danggui to adopt a refined style. Bloggers such as onnuk and Vicky have already begun to build a refined life through Vlog in the early days. Nowadays, on platforms such as Bilibili and Youtube, this style of content There are also more and more, and they are often associated with the placement of "lady" products such as Lancôme and La Mer.

However, just like Zishi Angelica, these bloggers will also face active or passive transformation. On the one hand, the monetization channels for exquisite life bloggers are relatively narrow; on the other hand, changes in living conditions will also prompt bloggers to Passive transformation.
But judging from the actual situation, the transformation of exquisite life bloggers is more difficult than imagined. This involves adjustments to the fan base and business tone. If you are not careful, it will become a "thankless" task. . Although Danggui is also trying to transition into the mother-infant and parenting track when she becomes a mother, it still seems to be facing great challenges.

The “unattainable” sense of sophistication has become a meal replacement for young people.
A cup of hand-ground coffee with a sense of ritual, an ins-style or Nordic-style interior design, laziness by the floor-to-ceiling windows after getting up early, and the comfort of nestling on the sofa while petting the cat and reading a book... On various social platforms, this exquisite style Daily Vlog can be found everywhere. A kind of fantasy of a beautiful life that is "petty bourgeoisie yet relaxed, sophisticated yet orderly" is becoming more and more concrete in these videos.

How is this "ideal life" constructed step by step?
After careful observation of various types of exquisite life Vlogs, we found that the most popular video types on social media currently include: "Japanese style" with a quiet tone and mainly cool white tones; more sports shots, first "European and American style" that focuses on perspective; in addition, content like Zishi Danggui that focuses more on specific fields such as food and has obvious personal style is also very popular.

Regardless of the type, behind the seemingly diverse and exquisite daily Vlogs,

 there is actually a unified production logic running through them.
The most intuitive feature is the visual sophistication and the "refreshing" feeling brought by the crisp and coherent movements. In terms of food, the cooking must be Western food, the tableware must be beautiful, and the coffee must be hand-ground; in terms of room decoration, the color matching must be unified and the aesthetics must be high-end; in terms of personal management, complicated skin care steps, careful outfits, and unique Jewelry and various perfumes are indispensable; in terms of product selection, either big brands or niche brands; in addition, scented candles and green plants are indispensable items to enhance your life style.
Moreover, in terms of video rhythm, a simple action often includes multiple shots of special, near, medium and far. The continuous camera switching, coupled with relaxing music, can bring immediate visual stimulation to the audience.

Not only does the picture need to be exquisite,

 the state also needs to be self-disciplined and calm. Many bloggers usually get up at 6 a.m., drink a cup of coffee or freshly squeezed juice, and then complete yoga and morning skin care in an orderly manner. At 9 o'clock, drive to a coffee shop or sit on your desk at home, make a to-do list for the day, and start serious work mode at double speed. Of course, even though the day is very busy, "before bed routine" such as reading a book and doing skin care in the evening is also indispensable.

Behind the beautiful and exquisite life in the movie,
 there is often an independent and thoughtful character. Many exquisite lifestyle bloggers with large followings share many values ​​and personal attitudes towards life. Zhuzi, an early domestic Vlogger, had a separate column "Life is Dog Food", which talked about in-depth topics such as "How to read 7 books in a month" and "Say Goodbye to Bad Habits". Previously, Angelica also In the video, he expressed his attitude towards marriage and love.

From the pictures to the rhythm, from the clothes to the interior, these Vlogs construct an "ideal life state" in multiple dimensions. But whether these lives are true or false is not absolutely important.
As a netizen said, "Internet exquisite life bloggers are to ordinary social animals, similar to matches to little girls. You know it is fake, because real social animals will not put two multi-functional pots at home. Buying a bunch of them looks like Cups and plates take up space and are difficult to wash, and you won’t always use twenty pounds of fruit to make sauce, but you just know how to look at it because you know that someone can worklife balance and inject the power of hope into the lives of working people.”

Therefore, many people like and pay attention to this type of video

 mostly to gain emotional value from it.
"When I first started paying attention, my living environment was relatively difficult. Watching Angelica's videos made me feel that they were exquisite, and I also yearned for this kind of life attitude." Shanshan is a nine-to-six office worker. She has been following Zishi Danggui since her early graduation. "I used to read almost every issue. After reading it, I wanted to cook well and live a good life." In addition to Zishi Danggui, she also follows bloggers such as Liu Yujia, Vicky, and Emma.
It is not difficult to find from the comment area that most of the audiences for these exquisite life videos are young women who live in first- and second-tier cities, are busy at work, and live alone. By watching this constructed "ideal life state", they can temporarily relieve the frustrations in life and work. Many people also buy the same products as the bloggers and imitate the details of life to get themselves closer to the ideal life.
It is this mentality of envy and desire to be touched that allows brands to see business opportunities, and has also given rise to the emergence of more exquisite lifestyle bloggers. Selling exquisite daily life has become a unique phenomenon on social platforms.
Behind the collapse of the millions of UP masters

Behind the collapse of the millions of UP masters
