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Communication Skills to Solve the User Expectation

Building Communication Excellence: Revealing Five Precise Communication Skills to Solve the User Expectation Conundrum
In today's highly competitive market environment, product managers face huge challenges: how to communicate effectively with users, understand and meet their expectations.
This article will explore five precise communication skills to solve the problem of user expectations. These skills can help product managers establish good user relationships and promote the successful development of products.
Mastering the skills of effective communication with users is an important secret to

  success in advancing as a product manager.

1. Active listening
1. Build trust and relationships with users
1) Maintain good body language HE Tuber   and eye contact
When communicating with users, maintaining good body language and eye contact is one of the important factors in building trust and relationships. By looking someone in the eye, we send a signal of respect and attention, making users feel valued.
At the same time, the appropriate use of body language, such as smiling, facial expressions and gestures, can enhance affinity with users.
2) Express empathy and understanding
In active listening, expressing empathy and understanding is critical. By expressing empathy and understanding of how users are feeling, we can make users feel heard and understood, building a stronger relationship of trust.
When collecting requirements from users and users complain about product problems, you can respond: "I completely understand your troubles. The performance of the product has indeed had a negative impact on your experience . "
Such a response expresses resonance and understanding of the user's problem, making the user feel valued and cared for, thus enhancing the effectiveness of communication. This approach is especially common in companies known for their high-end services, such as Apple or the after-sales service of major luxury goods.
2. Deeply understand user needs

1) Ask open questions

To gain a deeper understanding of user needs, we need to ask open-ended questions that give users the opportunity to describe their problems, expectations, and opinions in detail. Open questions not only help us obtain more information, but also stimulate users’ thinking and promote deeper communication.
For example, when you communicate with users, you can ask: "Which aspect of the product do you think needs improvement? Please describe your experience and expectations in detail." Such open-ended questions can help you discover deeper problems with the product .

2) Use in-depth questioning techniques

In addition to asking open-ended questions, you can also use probing techniques to learn more about your users’ needs. Through careful and targeted questioning, we are able to unearth deeper information that helps us better solve users' problems.
When users mention their dissatisfaction with the product. You can further ask: "What problems do you think there are in the current function? Are there any specific scenarios or examples to illustrate?" This will help you to obtain more specific and detailed feedback, help you accurately understand the needs of users, and provide more targeted solutions. plan.
3) Repeat user feedback
To ensure we correctly understand our users’ needs, paraphrasing user feedback is an effective technique. In the process of communicating with users, we can summarize and repeat the key points said by users to ensure that our understanding of their needs is accurate.
2. Clarify communication goals
Set clear communication goals
When communicating with users, it is important to set clear communication goals. This helps us better guide conversations and achieve desired outcomes.
1) Define clear goals and desired results
Before communicating with users, we need to know exactly what we want to achieve and what the desired results are. This can make our communication more targeted and avoid

  going in an ineffective direction.

For example, you are discussing with users the requirements for a new feature. User request: "We need a better user interface."
As a product manager, a clear expression could be: "We want the user interface to be more intuitive and easier to use, especially in terms of navigation and search functions. This needs to be done by improving the interface layout and providing more accurate and detailed search results."
This way of expression clarifies the desired improvement points, which not only makes it easier for users to understand the direction of optimization, but also provides more specific guidance for the development team.
2) Set measurable indicators
To evaluate the effectiveness and progress of communication, we can set measurable indicators. These metrics can be specific data, volume of user feedback, or specific action results.
By setting metrics, we can better track and evaluate whether our communications are achieving the desired results. For example, common C-side indicators include activity, retention rate, revenue-to-output ratio, etc.
3) Use concise and concise language and avoid vague and ambiguous expressions
When making questions and requests, you should use concise language to make sure your intentions are clear. Avoid using vague and ambiguous expressions, which can avoid misunderstandings or causing users to provide inaccurate information.
To put it simply, you need to be direct with your customers. Sometimes Internet slang sounds high-minded, but customers don’t understand that everything is in vain.
3. Use correct communication methods and tools
1. Master the use of multiple communication methods
In communication, it is very important to choose the appropriate communication method. Choosing the right communication method can get twice the result with half the effort.
1) Face to face communication
For direct, social customers, face-to-face communication is an effective way. This type of communication builds intimacy and trust, making customers feel valued and respected.
Face-to-face communication provides a wealth of nonverbal information, such as facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice, that can help accurately understand the other person's intentions and emotions.
2) Written communication
For clients who are socially anxious or slightly introverted, written communication is a more suitable method. Through written communication, clients can express ideas and ask questions in the comfort of their own environment, avoiding the stress and tension of face-to-face interactions.
Written communication can also provide clear, detailed information that customers can read carefully and understand. Another advantage of this method is that it can provide detailed and long-term records for reference and review by both parties, leaving a trace.
2. Use communication skills appropriately
1) Clear expression and clear tone
When communicating, use clear and concise language to express your opinions and intentions, and avoid using ambiguous or ambiguous words. At the same time, pay attention to the choice of tone to ensure that accurate emotions and meaning are conveyed.
2) Pay attention to non-verbal communication and tone
In addition to words and language, non-verbal communication also plays an important role. In written communication, using appropriate punctuation and emoticons can help convey emotion and tone.
In face-to-face communication or video calls, pay attention to your posture, expressions, and tone of voice, which can convey more information and emotions.

Communication Skills to Solve the User Expectation

Communication Skills to Solve the User Expectation
