Travis Mains-Marten 的个人资料

Travis DMM Project Portfolio - BYOL

Bring Your Own Laptop - Premier Pro Essentials Course Portfilio
I am working through the BYOL Course for Premier Pro - These are the project videos that I have created as a part of the course! It is also giving me experience in setting up a Behance Project, so yeah, its janky, but it'll get better as I learn to do more!
Project 1 - Web Course Feb 21 Video

This video uses simple transitions between edited clips. The clips have been cut to remove some of the unneccesary pauses etc that exist within the source files. 

I have used transitions to create a sense of continuity as well as breaking up seperate sections, for instance, the transition between vid1 & 2 is the same as that which has been used between 6 & 7 so as to show a similarity between the content, the transitions between are dip to black, to show coherence between the content (if that makes sense).
The start and end use a dip to white.

As per the brief, I have corrected the colours and levelled the audio. I opted to use the auto correct feature for this video, is there was not much to correct, so rather than obsessing over miniscule differences, I thought I'd be lazy!
Project 2 - Wedding Video

With this project I tried to recreate the classic - Wedding Short. I had some fun using various LUT's and stuck a couple of classy B/W sections in there, to really recreate that classic wedding shot.

I applied some basic transitions and made some more stand out choices in areas that I wanted it to 'pop'.

The Music was selected from Youtue Audio Library and is "Drops Of Earth", which i felt gave it a light, whimsical feel.

The last addition of an image still along with a simple text animation was more for flavor than anything else.

Hope you enjoy it!
Project 3 - Pre Wedding Showreel

I've likely spent the best part of 1 1/2 Hours rough cutting and editing this video. I have limited the amount of colour correction and grading by opting for a single grade most of the way through the video, as I could have spent hours simply trying out different colour grades or luts. 

I have limited the amount of transitions and applied straight cuts in certain places where I felt that it worked. 

With the audio, I have tried to line it up with some of the cuts and have tried to maintain some form of relevance with the video edit and the words being said, although again, i would likely revisit this again in the future.

In any case, I am fairly satisfied with what I have achieved here!
Class Project 7 - More Sizzzzzzzle

Spent about 10 minutes playing with this one, the bulk of that was playing with the 'bouncing' lower third (well, lower bar tbh) as I wanted to practice some of the 'Boom' techniques from one of the earlier keyframe lessons. Its a bit janky, but im kinda pleased with what I created with that one. The only way is up, as long as mistakes are made and practice is completed, after all!

I played with some of the audio effects on clarity, I especially enjoyed 'On The Telephone' and felt that the b/w was appropriate for that. (Yes, i know that included saturation rather than just vibrance, but... CREATIVI-TEA BABY!

Oh, the sountrack for the video is 'Woodshedder' by Quincas Moreira on Youtube Audio Library, as the funky vibe just felt 'right'.

So yeah, this is my submission for this project. It makes no real sense from a perspective of professionalism, but its tickled my brain nicely. Hope you enjoy!
Travis DMM Project Portfolio - BYOL


Travis DMM Project Portfolio - BYOL

