sultana mow's profile

Keep information on the same frequency

Keep information on the same frequency and optimize experience in a timely manner

Before a new version goes online, after the HE Tuber development work is completed, smoke testing is often performed internally to test whether the system is testable. Many times after development, in addition to performance problems, some interaction problems will also be detected.

At this time, design needs and development align information

 to supplement missing points that were not considered during the design process. For example, during interaction design, when entering the details page from the list page, the problem of information positioning was not considered, which resulted in the operation being too cumbersome when the details page returned to the list. During the smoke test phase, entering interaction optimization will give you enough time to improve the experience. Rather than having to wait until the testing phase.

Participate in industry conferences and clarify market pain points

Each industry holds various industry conferences regularly. For example, the author's previous project was in the medical field, focusing on industry conferences within the medical system. When doing user research, I found that many clinic doctors will establish

 professional meeting schedules. If conditions permit and 

the meetings are open, you can participate with your doctor friends. Not only can you keep abreast of the latest market trends and clinic operation pain points, but you can also quickly adjust the direction of product experience.
The above is the experience optimization experience that can be implemented during project execution. I hope it can help everyone.

Keep information on the same frequency

Keep information on the same frequency
