Henkilön Nikolett Helischer profiili

Diploma work (2015-2017)

oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2015-2017 (photo: Katalin Pető)

Our profession is to let you live your life!

My thesis is a 70x50 cm, half-lenght, oil painted portrait series, made up from four parts, which shows the form of those people, who have chosen to serve as a public service personnel (medic, soldier, policemen, firefighter). In my earlier works, I was mainly depicted portraits.
The human face, and the personality behind it, as a central topic, which drawn my attention in my life. Vivifying my personal interests towards the army in the last few years I started painting  soldier depictions leaving the portraits behind. Showing the uniform, and the personality behind it is absolutely exciting, because the uniform is not for expressing different personalities.
The rising risk of terror-attacks in Europe in the last few years and the regularly occuring natural and industrial disasters gave a strange actuality to my thesis. With these series, I want to halt the stereotypes aiming the law enforcement personnel( soldiers, policemen) burnt into the society’s different layers on one hand, ont he other hand I want to bring these professions closer to the people, and make them familiar with, and show the importance of them. The reason I chose the portraits during the professions’ visualization is I can „uplift” an individual , from the other uniform-wearing persons so I want to convince the viewer to see the person itself, who also has a name, not just a „police officer or a soldier. That is the reason for me, to look for real individuals with the mentioned professions so I can paint them, as they become my „own models”. I am able to use the techniques learned earlier during the soldier visualizations for depicting the different elements of the uniforms, to show how is it possible to make the viewers feel the different materials, what sort of forms and reflexes appear on different elements. The hardest part for me during the working process was to create the total impact of the portrait and the material, because these two elements are technically totally seperate ones in a picture. My top priority message is that the artists should support somehow those, who grants the opportunity of everydays’ peace, so they have the opportunity of peace for creation too.
"Parék" - Hungarian soldier
"Bence" - hungarian policeman
"Lackó" - Hungarian fireman
Hungarian paramedic
Sketches for paintings.
Diploma work (2015-2017)

Diploma work (2015-2017)
