Henkilön Chris Carrico profiili

Baby Steps Millionaires

As we stepped into discovering the direction for this book design, we immediately felt the weight of this project. It would be Dave's second biggest money book following the smashing success of The Total Money Makeover that has sold over 8 million copies. No pressure. With Baby Steps Millionaires emerging as the obvious title for Dave, we sought to highlight the misperception that pervades modern culture: that millionaire status is a 'billionaire' lifestyle. Even a quick Google search for 'millionaire' reveals images like luxury jets, lavish yachts, and literal money-raining. Given this context, we intentionally drove towards a more authentic representation. What we know to be true of people who've become Baby Steps Millionaires is that 1) the vast majority are everyday people like you and me, and 2) they work hard, consistently over time, to save and build wealth. There's no magic bullet, fancy jets, or money falling from the sky. This became our guiding star for the art direction. Just Dave out in the open with his sleeves rolled up, and God providing the rest with the beautiful sunrise behind him. This shoot became a favorite of my career. It’s no accident or luck that this book landed as the No.1 overall bestseller, No.1 Nonfiction, and No.1 in Business and Economics. It wasn’t shortcuts or perfect timing that got it there. As Dave says, he’s a 30-year overnight success. The creation of this book is a reflection of the very teaching within it — if you put in the work, you will get the results. I’m so proud of the team for showing up when it counted, and for helping to bring this book into the world.

Creative Direction // Brad Dennison
Design and Layout // Chris Carrico
Photography // Seth Farmer

Baby Steps Millionaires


Baby Steps Millionaires
