Salem Shanouha profili

Modifying Shapes (Fillet, Chamfer, Smooth, Subdivision)

Lesson 18: Modifying The Basic Shapes Part 2 (Fillet, Chamfer, Smooth, Subdivision)

In Lesson 18 part 2 we continue modifying the basic shapes using new modifiers like fillet, chamfer, smooth and also subdivisions. As I mentioned in the previous video these will be the building blocks we will use to design our advanced shapes in later lessons. with these tools we can smooth hard edged shapes into more realistic ones and subdivide an object to prepare it for further modifications later on. We will have one more part on modifiers to finish up the modifiers in an upcoming lesson.
Modifying Shapes (Fillet, Chamfer, Smooth, Subdivision)
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Modifying Shapes (Fillet, Chamfer, Smooth, Subdivision)

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