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Chip and Potato on The Kiddie Channel

Chip is a friendly, playful, and kind-hearted pug who's excited to start kindergarten. Her favorite toy is a stuffed animal named Potato. But what nobody else knows is that Potato isn't just a snuggly toy, she can change into a real-life mouse who loves to play. Potato spends every day caring for Chip, and with all sorts of adventures. 

That's right! Chip is a sweet and curious 5-year-old pug puppy. As Chip takes little steps towards independence at kindergarten, she always has Potato with her for comfort, snuggled deep down in her pocket. Everyone thinks Potato is just a funny little fluffy pink snuggly toy! But shh... Potato is actually a teeny-tiny, furry real mouse, who springs out of her hoodie and into action whenever Chip needs her! Potato is Chip's secret friend, there to discreetly and daringly provide Chip with all the security, comfort and confidence she needs to embark on the new stages of her life, without her Momma and Poppa, challenge by challenge, adventure by adventure, giggle by giggle.

Available to watch on The Kiddie Channel.
Chip and Potato on The Kiddie Channel
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Chip and Potato on The Kiddie Channel

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