Educational handbook on Chordate Zoology
During the period from 2020 to 2022, I was a monitor for a Chordate Zoology course at the university where I graduated. As part of the monitoring group, my role was to help students throughout the subject with understanding the morphological structures of chordates seen during classes. These structures were observed using real specimens, preserved through taxidermy or in alcohol. In other words, we used the best anatomical material for study possible: that coming from a real zoological collection!
However, 2020 was precisely the year of the pandemic, and in-person classes became completely unfeasible. How could we teach animal anatomy and morphology to students who could not have contact with real specimens, without being able to see them up close?
It was then that we had to adapt. This selective pressure led us to develop video lessons for our students and also to go further: creating an illustrated educational booklet to indicate specific structures and draw, in a didactic way, what they might not be able to see through a photo or find on Google if you wanted to search. For each class of the modules presented in the discipline, we created a small chapter with brief explanations and the illustrations that I present below. I hope you enjoy it as much as the students did!
1 - Protochordata
2 - Agnatha
3 - Chondrichthyes
4 - Osteichthyes
5 - Amphibia
6 - Crocodylia
7 - Testudinata
8 - Lepidosauria
9 - Aves
10 - Mammalia
Chordates handbook

Chordates handbook



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